Category: Reviews
Negro Púrpura
Fun a ver o filme documental que fala do caruncho, tamén coñecido como dentón, cornello, gran de corvo, dente de can. A Galiza como epicentro do comercio mundial deste ouro negro.
Grupo de lectura de Scórpio
Comparto unha nota que me enviaron para difundir esta iniciativa. A Asociación Carballo Vivo de Friol organiza un grupo de lectura virtual de Scórpio, novela de Ricardo Carvalho Calero, autor homenaxeado nas Letras Galegas 2020. Continúa así coa iniciativa Desconfinamos a obra de Carvalho na que tamén participa Modelo Burela. O prazo de inscripción estará…
Meetup WordPress Lugo
Hai uns meses atrás, Carlos liouse a manta á cabeza e propúxose retomar a programación do meetup de WordPress en Lugo, logo dun tempo parada. Lhosca e máis eu decidimos botar unha man e en Xullo presentamos a nova etapa, coa colaboración da maravillosa xente que organiza o meetup (e WordCamp!) WordPress Pontevedra. Logo dunha…
The magician’s assistant
Review of Ann Patchett’s book, the Reading Club assignment for January 2019.
They came like swallows
A review of William Maxwell’s book, the Reading Club assignment for November 2018.
Hallo Berlin!
Hallo Berlin! 🇩🇪 I’m in the city to attend this week CSS and JS conferences. The line-up is fantastic, and I look forward to meeting all the folks there.
Tempestades de sal, Sés
Sés is a Galician singersongwriter. Her stage presence and lyrics reminds me of what it means to grow in small villages by the periphery. I feel connected to that dignity and survival skills, because it embodies the attitude of the women I grew around. The Galician matriachy.
Shelter from the Storm
Mars soundtrack (the National Geographic tv-show) is fantastic. Nick Cave is just the perfect voice to convey that feeling of exploration and fear. Moon, Interstellar, The Martian, etc; it seems sci-fi movies got an appreciation for soundtracks that have a major role in the film – and I enjoy that. As much as I like Cave’s main…
Are you serious
This puts me in the perfect mood before going for a walk in this sunny and cold Saturday.
The thing that get us to the thing
Past Saturday, AMC aired Halt and Catch Fire season finale. I saw this tv-show grow over 4 seasons and I’m sad it’s over. HACF resonated with me because it was about the pleasure of making things work and the cost of pursuing your dreams. We need a whole lot more stories about the woes and joys of creation to…