
Work for Automattic. Became WordPress core committer in March 2023 and contributed code to WordPress 6.6, 6.5, 6.4, 6.3, 6.2, 6.1, 6.0, 5.9, 5.8, 5.7, 5.6, 5.5, 5.4, 5.3, 5.2, 5.1, 5.0. Co-organized the WordPress Lugo meetup for a while.

Gutenberg and WordPress (2020-today) PHP & JavaScript ― Full-time contributor.

DataViews (2023-today). JavaScript, React. Library to power parts of the admin redesign.

Front-end performance (2022-2023). PHP. Improved block themes performance by 25% and classic ones by 10% in WordPress 6.2, according to lab measures. Field data reported a 4% impact for all WordPress sites. Proposed and introduced the use of Core Web Vitals as tracking metrics for core performance, including LCP-TTFB to track client-side rendering. Posts: Evolution of WordPress TTFB: 5.6 to 6.2, The value of Time To First Byte, WordPress 6.2 performance: field data. See talks.

Style API (2020-2022). PHP, JavaScript, React. Worked in the block styles API (block supports). Prototyped and implemented the core Global Styles algorithm and functionality. Posts: theme.json v1, theme.json PHP API, theme.json v2, theme.json filters, The developer experience of WordPress presets. See talks.

WordPress Lugo meetup (2019-2020) Event co-organizer ― Helped revive the event and organized a monthly meetup until just before the covid-19.

Global Styles for (2019) PHP, JavaScript, React ― As part of experimenting with Gutenberg within my team, I implemented a plugin that changed font-families site-wide. It graduated to be part of the Site Editing Toolkit.

Star rating block for Jetpack (2019) PHP, JavaScript, React ― As part of experimenting with Gutenberg within my team, I developed the star rating block, that graduated to be part of Jetpack.

@wordpress/docgen (2019) NodeJS, Markdown, JSDoc ― Created a tool to document ES6+ APIs automatically.

Block Editor Handbook (2018) Technical Writing & Infrastructure ― Bootstrapped some tutorials, reorganized the handbook’s major sections, and helped land it in WordPress’s infrastructure.

hc-client (2017-2018), JavaScript, React, Redux ― Real-time communications library to be used as an embedded client in different contexts (WordPress plugin, standalone).

Blog In A Box (2017) PHP, D3.js, Python ― Experiment to connect the Raspberry Pi, the Sense Hat, and WordPress (plugin, theme, installer). It got featured in The MagPi #56!

eslines (2016) NodeJS, ESLint ― As my trial project for Automattic, I created a library that works with ESLint to only report errors in lines that were modified. Someone else coined a tagline that I like: “the boy-scout rule in a tool“.

Built GIS for iCarto. I was also a business lead and a partner. Co-founder of Makers Lugo (open-hardware non-profit) and Red Odiseus (WordPress network non-profit).

SIXHIARA utentes (2016) Electron, Python, Pyramid, JavaScript, Backbone, Bootstrap ― Led the product development (technical, design) for a desktop application to manage water licenses and users in the northern area of Mozambique.

CommonsLab Inventory (2015) CartoDB, Javascript, Backbone, Leaftlet, Bootstrap, PHP, Slim ― Led the development (product, business) of a visual inventory of citizen science projects across the USA for the Wilson Center. It was selected as part of the citizen science toolkit by The White House.

SITEGAL (2014-2015) Java, Wicket, Struts, Hibernate, Spring ― Part of a team of 10 that developed and maintained the “Land Information System” of Galiza’s regional body, a public platform for people to rent and lend land. Led the implementation of the SEPA payments sub-system.

SIGA Expedientes (2013-2014) Javascript, Backbone, Python, Pyramid, SQLAlchemy, squitch, PostgreSQL ― Application to manage the workflow of documents for the concession holder of one of the largest highways of Spain (220 km in length, average traffic of 28 000 vehicles a day).

IDEPo (2011) JavaScript, jQuery, OpenLayers, ExtJS, Geoserver, PostGIS ― Created the first SDI of Pontevedra’s state regional body. Presented it in several conferences.

Work for IGALIA (open-source consultancy) and CartoLab (university research lab). Volunteer at ESF Galicia (non-profit for international cooperation).