Category: CartoLab

  • Analysis of free software communities (VI): coda

    This post is part of a series: introduction (I), adoption (II), activity (III), work hours (IV), generations (V), and coda (VI). As you can see in my last posts (Introduction (I), Adoption (II), Activity (III), Work hours (IV) and Generations (V)), I finally managed to translate the paper we presented last year in V jornadas de SIG Libre. It…

  • Analysis of free software communities (V): generations

    This post is part of a series: introduction (I), adoption (II), activity (III), work hours (IV), generations (V), and coda (VI). Data patterns This indicator gives us some sense on how the leadership changed and how the knowledge transfer was done in every project. The paper elaborates a bit more the points of turnover and integration of new blood…

  • Analysis of free software communities (IV): work hours

    This post is part of a series: introduction (I), adoption (II), activity (III), work hours (IV), generations (V), and coda (VI). Data patterns This indicator is intended to give us some information on the patterns of behavior of contributors. Specifically, we can track how is a typical week for the core developers in every project: the timeline shows when the integration happened,…

  • Analysis of free software communities (III): activity

    This post is part of a series: introduction (I), adoption (II), activity (III), work hours (IV), generations (V), and coda (VI). Data patterns Certainly, not the number of features developed or bug fixes. It is even barely possible to compare activity between projects, as there are a high variability in terms of changesets: some people could send several little…

  • Analysis of free software communities (II): adoption

    This post is part of a series: introduction (I), adoption (II), activity (III), work hours (IV), generations (V), and coda (VI). Find below the statistics for mailing list activity in GRASS, gvSIG and QGIS during the period 2008-2010. The first one shows data from the general user mailing lists for each project. Take into account that data for gvSIG…

  • Analysis of free software communities (I): a quantitative study on GRASS, gvSIG and QGIS

    This post is part of a series: introduction (I), adoption (II), activity (III), work hours (IV), generations (V), and coda (VI). When selecting an application, it’s very common to consider technological factors -what the application enable us to do?- and economic ones -how much money do we need? And yet, there is a third factor to take into account,…

  • gvSIG codesprint in A Coruña: a personal summary

    As you may know, iCarto and Cartolab have hosted a gvSIG codesprint at the nice city of A Coruña. iCarto was kind enough to support my attendance to the event to work on gvsig, navtable & navtableforms. Find below some comments on my personal experience. Some general impressions on the event It’s great to see…

  • Análisis de comunidades de Software Libre (I): resultados de un estudio sobre GRASS, gvSIG y QGIS

    El primer post de una serie, que presenta los resultados de analizar cuantitativamente 3 comunidades de proyectos de software libre, de cara a comprender mejor cómo funcionan.

  • Arqueología y SIG desde Galicia: el proyecto arqueoponte

    «La arqueología consiste en la determinación del comportamiento humano, a partir de la localización de objetos materiales.» Post y video de ArqueoPonte, un proyecto de inventariado de información arqueológica.

  • Abella y la importancia estratégica del software libre para España

    La pasada semana Nacho y yo estuvimos en las II jornadas de SIG libre de Girona. Desde luego fueron muy interesantes. Para alguien que está todavía aproximándose al mundo del SIG, ha sido el evento donde descubrir la verdadera fortaleza de la comunidad libre en España con proyectos tan importantes como gvSIG o Sextante.. pero…