Category: Lifestream
Recently: June 2021
3 minutesPrevious: May 2021. The second quarter of 2021 is over, and it was an intense one at work. I’ve been working on some features for WordPress 5.8. It’s a packed version by my standards and those of many others. It will be published in a few days, and I’m excited to see it in the…
Recently: May 2021
3 minutesPrevious: April 2021. Next: June 2021. LaretasGeek I streamed content in May. Twice. The first, hosted by Fran. We talked about how is it to work for Automattic or how does it feel to be involved in a free software project the scale of WordPress (40% of the web, 18 years old). We also touched…
Recently: April 2021
6 minutesPrevious: March 2021. Next: May 2021. Three queues for notes Lately, I’ve found joy in learning how other people organize their notes: Taxonomy of note types, the PARA system, and the Johnny Decimal are three of the most popular links on the note-taking internet sub-culture. Over the years, I’ve tried several things. The last iteration…
Recently: March 2021
6 minutesPrevious: February 2021. Next: April 2021. Mareas Vivas Galician noir: how a rainy corner of Spain spawned a new TV genre. The major streaming platforms have released tv-shows produced in Galiza and by Galicians: O Sabor das Margaridas / Bitter Daisies (Netflix), Auga Seca / Dry Water (HBO), La Unidad / The Unit (Movistar), 3…
Recently: February 2021
6 minutesPrevious: January 2021. Next: March 2021. January’s post re-connected me with some folks, which made me think this “recently” idea wasn’t that bad after all. Here’s February’s. 3 blogs of programmers I follow In a Twitter conversation with Óscar and Juan, Juan suggested we should share blogs of programmers we follow. It’s been a while…
Recently: January 2021
5 minutesNext: February 2021. Inspired by Tom MacWright, I’m starting a “recently” series, where I’m going to branch out a bit from the usual topics of this site ― which weren’t very focused anyway. Aims to be monthly. Streamers The past year I’ve started to follow some streamers. It’s a lot of fun if you find…
O André
1 minuteNeste verán, un dos memes que agromou na galego-esfera do twitter foi o de actualizarmos o perfil poñendo o artigo antes do nome: a Berta, o Ricardo, a Teodora, etc. Este meme inspiroume a revisar a historia e normativa da antroponimia galega. Dentro das linguas románicas, o uso do artigo con antropónimos e topónimos é…
Meetup WordPress Lugo
1 minuteHai uns meses atrás, Carlos liouse a manta á cabeza e propúxose retomar a programación do meetup de WordPress en Lugo, logo dun tempo parada. Lhosca e máis eu decidimos botar unha man e en Xullo presentamos a nova etapa, coa colaboración da maravillosa xente que organiza o meetup (e WordCamp!) WordPress Pontevedra. Logo dunha…
Scratch Map Summer 2018
1 minuteAfter some epic trips in the past years, this is what our scratch map looks like by the end of 2018 Summer. Antarctica is in our todo list.
Summer solstice
1 minuteDepending on how you think about seasons, the summer’s solstice is the beginning of the summer or the middle of it – in either case, enjoy.
The luxury of a desktop app
1 minuteThese apps are just little icons on my desktop bar. I don’t even have Bluetooth enabled. The amount of memory they consume is a luxury.
Seamless offline docs
1 minuteThis combination of Zeal and Atom (with the dash package) seems to just work, and help you set up a seamless offline docs experience.
Shelter from the Storm
1 minuteMars soundtrack (the National Geographic tv-show) is fantastic. Nick Cave is just the perfect voice to convey that feeling of exploration and fear. Moon, Interstellar, The Martian, etc; it seems sci-fi movies got an appreciation for soundtracks that have a major role in the film – and I enjoy that. As much as I like Cave’s main…
Touch typing in Dvorak
4 minutesOn November 2016 I had a free month between jobs. Apart from some resting, reading, and general preparations for my new adventure, I still had quite a bit of free time to do new things or build good habits. It was while cleaning my office that I found a keyboard I had bought a couple of years…