Category: English
Who to write code for?
1 minutePrograms must be written for people to read, and only incidentally for machines to execute. — SICP, preface to the 1st edition.
To become an architect
1 minuteTo became a member of the community of architects requires an ability to learn to view the world as an architect and to use architect’s tools in a professional way. This can happen only by observing and interacting with experienced architects within the context of a studio. — Internet, innovation and OpenSource: Actors in the…
The new
1 minuteThe world is often unkind to new talent, new creations. The new needs friends. — Ratatouille, Anton Ego.
Chairs and motivation
1 minuteGet a good chair, because you can’t always be motivated, and sometimes you have to sit on it until you’re done. — The grandfather of a friend, who had a work ethic that I share.
Architecture astronauts
1 minuteWhen you go too far up, abstraction-wise, you run out of oxygen. — Joel Spolsky, Don’t let architecture astronauts scare you.
Make something well
1 minuteTo learn to make something well can take your whole life. And it’s worth it. — Ursula K. Le Guin.
Change and irrelevance
1 minuteIf you dislike change, you’re going to dislike irrelevance even more. — Eric Shinseki. Hat tip: Ann Dunwoody, Automattic Grand Meetup 2018.
The UNIX way, resurfaced
1 minuteMake it work, make it right, make it fast. — The UNIX way, resurfaced decades later by Kent Beck.
Two small jumps
1 minuteIt seems to be much easier to make two small jumps than the one big jump in any kind of mental thinking. — Creative Thinking at Bell Labs (1952), Claude Shannon.
Vaccine for fuzzy thinking
1 minuteObjectives are like a vaccine for fuzzy thinking. — Why the secret to success is setting the right goals, John Doerr.
The magician’s assistant
3 minutesReview of Ann Patchett’s book, the Reading Club assignment for January 2019.
Forest Dark
2 minutesReview of Nicole Krauss’ book, the Reading Club assignment for January 2019.
1 minuteReview of a documentary on Dieter Rams, by Gary Huswitt, that I crowdfunded in 2016.
They came like swallows
2 minutesA review of William Maxwell’s book, the Reading Club assignment for November 2018.
The girl on the train
1 minuteReview of Paula Hawkins’ book, the Reading Club assignment for June 2018.
Scratch Map Summer 2018
1 minuteAfter some epic trips in the past years, this is what our scratch map looks like by the end of 2018 Summer. Antarctica is in our todo list.