A new development era

1 minute

Tarek Ziadé has posted a few months ago an interesting essay on his blog: A new development era. Summing up: web technologies (HTML5, JS) are gaining importance to build complex apps in the client (whatever it is: desktop, browser, phone, tablet) and the server side is becoming a proxy of lightweight services to interact with.

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The post resonated with me due to the fact that my work during last months was to build a rich client app in Javascript with lightweight JSON services built in python. But, as far as I’ve seen it, this tendency is more spread than I thought: it’s not only happening within early adopters, but also within big players in the desktop realm (Windows, GNOME) and the old-school java server applications. Maybe is a new swing of the pendulum, or just that the promise of cross-platform apps that just work in multiple environments is appealing. What is certain, is that the next million apps seems to go towards that tendency.


2 responses to “A new development era”

  1. […] a la que no tengo una respuesta definitiva pero cada vez me inclino más a responder: Mucho PHP y APIs hospedadas en servidores propios desde las que nos comunicamos y compartimos información con […]

  2. […] pure functions are the core ideas of the current cycle of building applications – being the separation between API and interface the dominant idea of the previous […]

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