Category: iCarto
Treinta y cuatro
Hace unas semanas he cumplido mi vuelta al Sol número 34. ¿Qué ha pasado en todo este tiempo? Lo resumo con este post, para mi yo futuro y porque recordar todo lo que uno ha hecho ayuda a no perder la perspectiva.
Me acabo de comprar un portátil
Donde cuento las vueltas que he dado para comprar un portátil y trato de entender por qué necesito un equipo que puede enviar un cohete a la luna.
Inversión y amortización en la selección tecnológica
Dependiendo del día y la hora, actúo como programador, dueño, o CTO en una PYME. A lo largo de estos años, me he encontrado en varias ocasiones ante la situación de tener que seleccionar tecnología para un proyecto, compaginando los diferentes roles y perspectivas. Poco a poco, he ido desarrollando «una intuición», una personalidad propia sobre…
An outsider overview of #sotm13
Last weekend I was in Birmingham for the StateOfTheMap, to learn how we could be more involved in OSM in a number of projects we have down the line. Although I’m a casual mapper and I did know some things about OSM and its core technologies, this was my first in-depth immersion into that world.…
JIDEE 2011
Mañana estaré volando a Barcelona para asistir a las JIDEE 2011. El jueves 10 tendré el honor de presentar IDEPo, el nodo IDE de la Diputación de Pontevedra con datos EIEL, un proyecto financiado por la Diputación de Pontevedra y la Xunta de Galicia. Un proyecto que hemos liderado desde iCarto con la colaboración de Cartolab.…
How gvSIG MapControl works: flow of control
Within gvSIG design, MapControl is one of the core components. Its main responsibility is to allow users to interact with a map of layers (zoom in/out, edit geometries, …). That goal is achieved through two concrete tasks: Route the user actions to the proper tool which will execute it. Manage the drawing of the layers. This…
I’m not such a fan of comparatives to rank things. But I find them useful to know your pros and cons, or at least to know how the surrounding community perceive your product. While having a coffee today I found this article on gis @ stackexchange: QGIS and gvSIG comparison. Made me happy than 2 out…
How gvsig manages the snappers
Last week I paired together with Francisco Puga to review the status of opencadtools. As Fran is doing a great work in preparing the integration of opencadtools as default CAD tools in gvSIG, I wanted to know first hand how it was going. iCarto and Cartolab were kind enough to sponsor this pairing session. One of…
Liberado extTOCExtra
¿Usuarios habituales de gvSIG? No os perdáis esta extensión que añade nuevas funcionalidades al TOC estándar que acaba de liberar Cartolab.
gvSIG codesprint in A Coruña: a personal summary
As you may know, iCarto and Cartolab have hosted a gvSIG codesprint at the nice city of A Coruña. iCarto was kind enough to support my attendance to the event to work on gvsig, navtable & navtableforms. Find below some comments on my personal experience. Some general impressions on the event It’s great to see…
Hi osgeoers!
That’s my first post going to Planet OSGEO. Just want to say hello people! 🙂 Well, as for someone who is new in the community, I think it feels right to introduce myself. My name is Andrés Maneiro and I work as a GIS programmer for iCarto, a firm specialized in GIS based in A…