Category: English
The paper menagerie, by Ken Liu
Thoughts on a short story that won the Hugo, Nebula, and World Fantasy awards.
The bottom of the harbor, by Joseph Mitchell
A book that collects six articles published by Mitchell in TheNewYorker in the 40s and 50s.
Review this for me
Follow-up to “refactor this for me”. Can a LLM provide expert-level code reviews?
Chip War, by Chris Miller
This book tells the story of the semiconductor industry from the 1940s to the early 2020s.
My first side quest in Gutenberg
How docgen, the tool used in Gutenberg for auto-generating JavaScript API docs, came to be.
WordPress 6.2 performance: field data
Analysis of the impact of the performance improvements that came with WordPress 6.2 in some public datasets.
The value of Time To First Byte
For a holistic perspective on performance, we need to track user-perceived performance (LCP) and add client-side metrics to the mix (LCP-TTFB).
Evolution of WordPress TTFB: 5.6 to 6.2
How long does it take the server to process the homepage for each of the last 4 default WordPress themes?
The developer experience of WordPress presets
How using theme.json improves the developer experience of WordPress theme authors.
Recently: June 2021
Previous: May 2021. The second quarter of 2021 is over, and it was an intense one at work. I’ve been working on some features for WordPress 5.8. It’s a packed version by my standards and those of many others. It will be published in a few days, and I’m excited to see it in the…
Recently: May 2021
Previous: April 2021. Next: June 2021. LaretasGeek I streamed content in May. Twice. The first, hosted by Fran. We talked about how is it to work for Automattic or how does it feel to be involved in a free software project the scale of WordPress (40% of the web, 18 years old). We also touched…
Recently: April 2021
Previous: March 2021. Next: May 2021. Three queues for notes Lately, I’ve found joy in learning how other people organize their notes: Taxonomy of note types, the PARA system, and the Johnny Decimal are three of the most popular links on the note-taking internet sub-culture. Over the years, I’ve tried several things. The last iteration…
Recently: March 2021
Previous: February 2021. Next: April 2021. Mareas Vivas Galician noir: how a rainy corner of Spain spawned a new TV genre. The major streaming platforms have released tv-shows produced in Galiza and by Galicians: O Sabor das Margaridas / Bitter Daisies (Netflix), Auga Seca / Dry Water (HBO), La Unidad / The Unit (Movistar), 3…
Recently: February 2021
Previous: January 2021. Next: March 2021. January’s post re-connected me with some folks, which made me think this “recently” idea wasn’t that bad after all. Here’s February’s. 3 blogs of programmers I follow In a Twitter conversation with Óscar and Juan, Juan suggested we should share blogs of programmers we follow. It’s been a while…
Recently: January 2021
Next: February 2021. Inspired by Tom MacWright, I’m starting a “recently” series, where I’m going to branch out a bit from the usual topics of this site ― which weren’t very focused anyway. Aims to be monthly. Streamers The past year I’ve started to follow some streamers. It’s a lot of fun if you find…