This is part of the invitation I was sent to join Automattic. I accepted. Today marks my first day as an automattician, and I am excited to become part of this family. My day-to-day will be filled with the joys and woes of programming but under Automattic’s creed, I feel safe, motivated and happy to do my best. Fun times ahead!
Howdy Automattic
6 responses to “Howdy Automattic”
Bienvenidos! Excited to work with you.
Pleasure is mine, Robert! Hold on for the next 3 weeks, though 🙂
[…] joining Automattic, I was encouraged to think about my office setup. The company sponsors the kind of high-quality […]
Ola Andrés!
Parabéns por isto! Extremadamente retrasados… pero parabéns! 😉
Eu acabo de mandar o meu CV para un posto de Designer en Automattic tamén (por iso atopei este blog!), asi que quén sabe? O mellor acabamos traballando para a mesma compañía!
Actualmente estou de Head of Design en Londres nunha axencia bastante grande, pero despois de mais de 5 anos en Londres e 6 polo mundo adiante quero voltar á terriña e penso que Automattic sería un sitio xenial para min! Algún consello a hora de facer a miña candidatura destacar mais para Automattic?
Un saudo!
Damian -
Moita sorte no proceso, Damián!
O proceso para designer é diferente que o de enxeñeiro. Mais o que podo dicirche é que eu fixen todo como a min me parecía que había que facelo, desa maneira sabía que non me arrepintiría de nada saíse como saíse. -
[…] had a free month between jobs. Discounted some resting, reading, and general preparations for my new adventure, I still had quite a bit of free time to do new things or build good habits. It was while cleaning […]
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